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1997 WB 43
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© BuyByeBlueBird
1997 Wide Body,43 feet long,S60 500HP turbo engine,Allison World trans,Powertech diesel generator
Take a look at that paint!!Bumpers have been repainted along with the caps and the round over on the roof
Fully serviced and ready for the road.The dash air even works!!
Washer/dryer,house fridge,portable Sat dish,LED lights everywhere,ice maker,smart TV with sound bar
Mich tires on the front,2018 and the rest are BF Goodrich,they are 2019
SOLD This bus has been gone over from front to back,new shocks,new stainless exhaust,new engine batteries,doghouse has new insulation,Aquahot runs as new,Safe T plus,all kinds of new stuff!
And its fully loaded like a Wide Body always was!
Air brakes,air ride and trailer hitch and if you want a toad to go with it we even have a jeep for a few dollars more.
All set up to tow of course!
Give Randy a call,352 538 3435
Located in Inman SC
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