We can help you sell your Wanderlodge, we have been involved with Wanderlodges for almost 30 years. Carol and I have owned and driven Wanderlodges since 1989. Our FMCA number is 157243
Sell Your Coach
If you would like to list your coach with us, please fill out the coach listing checklist. The information you send will be kept completely confidential and used only to display vehicle information on our website if you decide to sell your coach through us.
Before we can list your coach on our website, you will need to print and then fax or mail a completed Consignment Agreement form. Also, please submit as soon as possible the photos of your coach that you would like displayed on our website. Photos should be submitted to randy@randydupree.com. Check out the photo taking tips and submission guidelines below so that your coach is adequately exposed and optimally displayed on our website.

Photo Taking Tips
Good pictures are essential to the sale of your coach!
Higher resolution (bigger) photos are better. Please limit each photo to 2MB.
Make sure to turn on all the lights, tv's and even the back up camera. Potential buyers can see that they work. Good light makes for better pictures. Use your flash if needed.
Take photos of every area. You can't have too many!
Start with the front and even take a photo through the windshield with the lens almost on the windshield. This shows the interior from the dash to the rear.
Photograph each seat, sofa, dinette and the surrounding area.
Show the kitchen and the stove area seperately as well as the refrigerator.
Show the closets and pantry storage.
Show the shower, sink area, toilet area in the bath.
It's best to photograph the bedroom from outside on a ladder through the windows on each side. It shows more of the bedroom. Also, take a photo from the hall straight in.
On the outside, show each side completely with the awnings open.
Show the front, rear, engine and generator. One each is usually sufficient.
Open each bay and photograph what's inside. If anything rolls out, roll it out and photograph it that way.
If there's anything special or unique to your coach, take a picture of it. Like I said, you can't have too many.