1988 WB40
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Reduced to $45,000,steal me now!!1988 Wide Body 40 ,8V92 Detroit turbo,450hp
Rebuilt engine,i bet the rebuild cost almost as much as the selling price!!
The business has changed,big medical transport buses are not the cool thing today.
This coach has been maintained to the max,its has huge potential,steal it now!
Thats a deal in my book,they are losing their shirts,but the bus has to go.
The job this bus was built for no longer exists,smaller buses have the market,we must sell this bus!
This coach started out as a motorhome,but it was converted over into a medical transport bus,complete with a gurney lift.
The lift can also be used as a wheelchair lift.
Its still a fully equipped motorhome,but has bunk beds for the drivers,and a full hospital bed in the back,for the patients.
If you have kids,or maybe a special needs family member,this could be the coach for you.
The rear bed could be put back as a queen bed,or maybe even buck beds,lots of possibility's here.
The conversion cost a small fortune but we are not going to talk about that!
The coach was maintained at a very high level,breaking down with patients on board was not an option!
Put your thinking hats on,if you have kids this may be the coach your looking for,with a little remodeling ....